It was a place held together and made beautiful by violence, where you desired to be.Ĭirca 2002, when videogames were still culturally fringe, an idiosyncratic pastime rarely confluent with mainstream musical or celebrity names, the presence of songs and voices you recognised redoubled this effect. It wasn't just a place where violence paid. As well as benefiting some rich gangsters, a mathematical correlation between violence and success apparently made Vice City a kind of paradise, capable of giving you your nostalgia fix. They were voiced by Dennis Hopper, Lee Majors and Danny Dyer you played as Ray Liotta from Goodfellas. And the people with whom you pulled jobs – your in-world friends – were pop culture icons. The radio stations you listened to played one hit after another all 80s killer, no filler. Your cars in Vice City were all low-suspension sports models you'd seen before on aspirational TV shows, like Miami Vice or Starsky and Hutch. That's why Vice City was controversial, because it carried a truly amoral message: the more bad things you do, the more good you receive.Īnd the world founded on that precept – the world where killing equalled material and personal enrichment – also made that world look cool. Violence committed (v) is proportional (∝) to money and status earned (m) The Grand Theft Auto brothers, Sam and Dan Houser, might not have formulated it originally, but for the sake of illustration let's call it Housers' Equation: The game is based on an encompassing and inflexible equation. Where Tony Montana's violence eventually and literally catches up with him, T Vercetti, after taking countless lives with uzis, katanas and M60s, reaches the end of Vice City wealthier, better-regarded and more powerful than ever. The money you earn, also from killing, can be invested in nice big houses, or in businesses, which in turn earn you even more money.Īnd although, narratively, Vice City is a shameless and frankly disappointing variation on Scarface, right down to the interior décor of protagonist Tommy Vercetti's mansion, it doesn't end with the film's vital, quasi-redeeming moral message.

In Vice City, the more missions you complete – the more people you kill – the fancier clothes and suits you unlock.

I'd call Vice City the first truly contentious Grand Theft Auto game, not because it contains more blood, more sex or more swearing (nobody says "fuck" even once, the entire game) than any of its predecessors, but because it makes crime and violence look as if they pay, and pay well.