With the implementation of the pack, 20 different species of fish will be added to the world of Skyrim. The last creation pack to be added is Fishing. For players who have played survival games in the past, this need for resource management should be quite familiar. The player will have to manage their stamina, hunger, and seek escape from the harsh climate of Skyrim by going indoors and resting near fireplaces. Survival Mode is every bit as its name would imply, making the Dragonborn’s journey upon Skyrim as arduous and as realistic as it can be.

Rare Curios is a complement to Saints & Seducers, adding in Khajiit Caravans who’ll reinvigorate crafting with their newest imports from all around the world, giving the player materials to craft new potions, arrows, and poisons with. The focus of Saints and Seducers is placed on delivering more content and quests into the game, expanding upon the world of the game by adding in a good share of new quests, enemies, and armors for the players to complete and amass in their journey through Skyrim. As detailed on their official website, the four packs are named, Saints & Seducers, Rare Curios, Survival Mode, and Fishing respectively. The trailer firstly showcased the four new additional packs of content that will be coming free of charge to special edition owners.